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Layla XU

Collection of Single Pieces

<Rice Blessing>

In Chinese culture, food, which often represented by rice, is thought to be one of the most important things in people’s life. As one of the spring festival traditions, the ‘rice blessing’ ceremony is held in some areas. One person, usually who enjoys a high reputation among people, throws the rice as high as possible, while people kneel down and try to use hats or hands to collect the rice. Then they can keep the blessing rice in their rice vats, so they do not need to worry about their livelihood in the following year.

Exhibition Information:


Xhibit, London, UK

Jan - Feb, 2020

Lunar New Year 2020, Camberwell Student Gallery, London, UK


<Spring Snow>

Exhibition Information:

Dec - May, 2019

Reverie – Lacquer Painting & Illustration Exhibiton, Shanzhongqi Art Gallery, Fuzhou, China


<Clips from Memory>

I used more abstract imageries, some geometric shapes and disorder the composition, to recombine what I have seen and what I imagine.


<Rebuild the Tower of Babel>

This artwork is inspired by the story <The Tower of Babel>. I was trying to recreate it into a contemporary version.

According to the original story, the descendants of Noah were living in Babylon. The population was growing and they all spoke one language. The people decided to build a tall, proud symbol of how great they had made their nation. The Babylonians wanted a tower that would ‘reach to the heavens’ so that they could be like God and that they would not need Him. God did not like the pride and arrogance in the hearts of the people. God caused the people to suddenly speak different languages so they could not communicate and work together to build the tower.

Nowadays, many of us can speak multi languages and we also have translators, but can we rebuild the Tower of Babel? My answer might be “no”. I tried to put all the unstable issues happening globally into the image: terror, political struggle, immortality, brexit (babexit), refugee crisis, and even some factors extracted from Seven Deadly Sins (lust, greed, slot). God on the cloud may remind audience of a Yiddish proverb: Man thinks. God laughs. 

Exhibition Information:

Nov - Dec, 2019

New Camberwell Art 19/20, Camberwell Student Gallery, London, UK



Museum Poster



T-shirt Design

Commission for Varsity 2020, UAL


<Down and Out in Paris and London>

Written by George Orwell




<Seasonal Circus>


Final Shortlist

Festive Wrap and Gift Tag Competition for not just a shop, University of the Arts London, UK

Theme: Christmas



Map design for Richmond Park.


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