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Layla XU

[Journal Vol.12] Interview: What do people talk about when they talk about wandering?

A is from Taiwan. She is a friend’s friend working in Bristol for almost one year. Before that, she has studied MA Interactive Design in Denmark, and worked in Denmark, Taiwan, Japan, etc. Now UK. Mastering the skills of design and coding, she seems not that difficult to find a job, but she is trying to be a bit more stable, for instance, at least working in Bristol for two years.

I visited her rent house in Bristol. It’s in good condition, decorating by small but lovely items. The furniture and electronic equipment are basically form Ikea, good enough to use for over two yeas and then maybe sell at a fine price. What’s next, nobody knows.

B is my friend for ten years. We were doing a same BA course when we met, but she is one year earlier than me. She studied in Japan for one year as an exchange student. After graduation, she gapped one year to prepare a totally different MA course. And got in. We worked at the same company for nearly one year, then she decided to go to Beijing, doing a job in different industry.

She told me there were two offers she could choose, ‘but whatever I choose, I will never satisfy with myself.’

C is my friend’s boyfriend. He is French. Way before he met my friend, he travelled a lot of countries. Many years ago, he started drawing portraits with two hands at street. At first, it’s for fun and it’s free. Now the customers pay what they want. He does it during trips, too. For earning travel expense.

He told me many stories about drawing at street. ‘Not everyone suitable for this. I do it, because you can meet different people, and it’s fun.’


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