The assessment created a chance for me to review all my work in the past five months, digging out many things I hadn’t noticed before. Some images [1] are not specifically made for my personal project, but may give me unconscious influence. I didn't find out they are relevant until writing the critical written assignment proposal and presentation video script these days. And some images [2] are made out of intuition, but when I seriously looking at the relationship between the imagery and the subject matter, I found strong evidence to support the logic. Organizing the thoughts and images in a logical way is a process to figure out where my project is going and also a previous opportunity to find out the potency of my exited work. The organization of my thinking and reflection has been repeated four times in about two weeks.
Every time I finished the draft, I felt somewhere was not knitted tightly; every time I thought the parts were relevant with my subject matter, the tutor of academic support told me: not enough. It is hard to focus on interpretation and evaluation rather than description. It is hard to really really understand all the texts, theories, and concepts. What the real meaning is behind flaneur, how every part of the research boosted me forward step by step, and most important, how to use illustration as my weapon to guard me through the journey of exploration… these are all needed to be conscious of.
I have tried different styles and techniques as many as possible in the past five months. Now it’s time to make pieces of work out of all the essence of the experience.