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Layla XU

[Journal Vol.5] Life Drawing: For Solid Foundation

I joined the life drawing society of the university at the beginning. During the first term, I basically attended the event once or twice a week, to keep a foundational practice. Figure is the key part of my artwork, which I should definitely endeavour more. I found it helpful to practice different degree of completion within 30 seconds,1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 minutes’ level. I have done three for approximately 1 hour, but it’s not suitable for me at this stage. Also, it’s crucial to realised that I shouldn't aim to draw the models ‘accurately’. It’s more like an place where I can test different styles and painting tools with a series of quick and concentrated sketches.

What’s more, the ballet dancer model really gave me inspirations of my project. I developed the image in my later practice.

At the end of November, I received the brief from my course to do a mask with a specific theme. I chose Alfred Hitchcock’s <Bird>. With costume and lighting and music, we did a special life drawing class. Half having fun, half experimenting pencils and colours.


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