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Layla XU

[Journal Vol.9] Wanderer X Self-tour: Original Story and Marks-making

During the Christmas vacation, I travelled to Bristol and Bath as a backpacker, partly according to the guide book <Ways to Wander> edited by Clare Qualmann and Claire Hind, to record all the random thoughts during the journey. I think, a self-tour can give me the most direct emotion toward the theme ‘wanderer’.

This is one page of my sketchbook:

When I was back home, I created some images based on my doodle. Since they’re random thoughts, I decided to make random marks and textures, and collaged them in the computer.

I still can’t organise my thoughts well. I would like to create my own story about it, but haven’t got any clues. Maybe I should go for a trip again to collect more inspiration (planning a Brighton coastline trekking tour).


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